After objectionable video-leak of girl students in Chandigarh University took place, students of Panjab University also raised issues concerning the safety of girl students in the university campus and its affiliated colleges.
Members of Indian National Student Organisation(INSO) yesterday recorded a video highlighting a issue concerning safety of girls in the psychology department wherein there is a small partition wall between girls and boys washroom and moreover a ladder is also placed on the wall of girls washroom of which anyone can take advantage. INSO Presidential Candidate Pravesh Bishnoi, INSO President Puneet Singh Masitan, Girls Wing President Himani Yadav, Gourav Sharma and other INSO members were also present when submitted the memorandum to the DSW.
Also, today Panjab University Students Union (PUSU) also submitted a memorandum against covering of washrooms from above to ensure the privacy and security of the students. They also suggested a compulsory hostel committee should be formed in the main University campus as well as in the affiliated colleges. They also requested for representation of hostel wardens and one student representative from each hostel in this committee so that resolution is provided in a time bound manner.