Keeping in view the increase in number of COVID-19 cases in the country, PU authorities held a meeting today. The meeting was attended by higher authorities along with some teachers of affiliated colleges. As many Universities like DU also suspend classes so PU should do or not that was the major concern. Secondly, Affiliated Teachers were asking the system of exams of this semester.
According to sources, there is no suspension of classes as per discussion till now as majority of members are in favour that online classes should continue and nothing important shared about exams yet.
However discussion over suspension of classes will continue with other PU authorities
Yesterday PU Pulse reported the plight of students and today a meeting has been held. The meeting took into consideration the state of students in this pandemic. Students are struggling as many have been infected by the novel virus or their families are suffering from the same. Student have been affected mentally and are struggling to keep up with their studies.
Even after Pulse reporting some departments of Panjab University Postponed the mst exams.
Report by Kuhu
Graphics by Kamaldeep