Chandigarh University student answer sheet has gone viral. During the examination, a student wrote songs from Aamir Khan's movies in response to the questions on the answer sheet. When the teacher checked the student's answer sheet, he struck his forehead and thus was awarded zero points.
And the teacher also answered the student in his own style. The teacher wrote on his answer sheet, "You should write songs in response to other questions as well." Since the student wrote answers to a total of three questions on the answer sheet. In two of which Aamir's songs were written and in one he wrote the praise of the teacher. The student answered the first question by singing the famous song 'Give me some sunshine' from the movie '3 Idiots'.
In response to one the questions, the student praised the teacher. "Madam, you are a wonderful teacher. It is my fault that I am not able to work hard."
While in response to the third question, the famous song from Aamir Khan's PK movie "O God Hai Kahan Re Tu" and many other songs written by him.
People are also surprised to see this and have mixed reactions.
Report by Bhuvi
Graphics by Sonali