World Mental Health Day is a day dedicated to our mental wellbeing. WHO defines health as "the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."
In this era of fitness freaks, when almost everyone is focused on having a well toned body, what people tend to forget is a well toned mind. We usually put our mental health on the backseat in the car of our life and ignore how we feel about circumstances, behavior, other people etc. But how can one drive safely when the mind is at the back. This makes us lost in our own world and gives rise to many negative feelings like self doubt, loneliness and may ultimately lead to depression.
But what if we take care of our mind like we do of our body? What if, for a change, we listen to our own voice, what we are feeling like, what we feel is unjust to us, what we feel is not okay? What if we give ourselves a chance?
It's about time we start taking seriously and openly talk about mental health and its issues without any shame or fear of being judged. It's about time we put our feelings, our issues forward too. Because if not us, then who will? It's up to us to decide whether we want to be disturbed in our own shell or instead, share our thoughts with someone we trust. Sharing your feelings also gives you a better understanding of your own self and gives you clarity about what you actually need. So share your problems be it with your friends, your family, your mentor, anyone whom you might feel comfortable with. Just don't keep it within you.
On this World Mental Health Day, PU Pulse urges everyone to take better care of yourself and of your mental health.
Article by Sapanpreet Kaur
Graphics by Ananya Bhardwaj