Students of South campus are facing a major issue due to the closure of gate no. 3 at night, which directly leads to no library access for South campus students at night.
At the point of time when exams are knocking, students with no vehicles are facing a huge trouble, leading to the loss of academics.
Due to which students have to step out of University which further adds on to the issues like eve teasing too for girl students
"After dinner, we were going to the library through Gate no. 2 on activa near 10 pm but as Gate no. 3 was closed we reached the chowk, where boys who were drunk tried to match the speed. Luckily we got inside the campus." reported a girl to Pulse on the condition of anonymity.
"Logic of closing the Gate by the varsity is still not understood", she futher added.
Maybe this happened with others too. Even when campus is 24*7 open, then what makes sense of closing the Gate no. 3 at night.
Is the library only important for North Campus students?
Report by Anubhuti
Graphic by Tenash