As the class XI admissions continue in Chandigarh, the local residents of the city lay in dismay with the first counselling rolling out and all the seats in humanities stream, going to students who passed out from government schools. “Even the topper of private school is not getting admission into humanities stream” reports a parent.
Chandigarh administration, follows a quota system for its allocation of seats in government schools. 85% of the seats, are reserved for students doing their matriculation from government schools, while only 15% of the seats are allotted to students from private schools.
This year, the cut off has also seen a drastic plunge, as it goes down from 93.8% to 80.6% for humanities itself, for government school students.
With no seats left in government schools and parents willing to pay hefty fees, it is being presumed that private schools will see this as an opportunity, and use it to make fortune by increasing the fees.
Report by Diksha