Mohali police came across a notorious gang of car robbers recently. On Thursday, a case was registered at Zirakpur police station following which 2 members of this gang were arrested. They were involved in car thefts and targeted mainly Hyundai cars. Creta, Verna, i20 and other cars from the same company were broken into and stolen from. This year a total of 11 thefts were recorded by them across Punjab, Haryana and Delhi.
The head of this gang, Akil Ahmed who has completed his M.Tech in Computer Science from AFSET College in Faridabad is an expert at breaking locks and used to break into cars within minutes. He's currently a resident of Panchkula.
On investigation it came into light that Ahmed was involved in a number of other illegal works prior to the car thefts and his gang members have also been in the crime records since long. 6 vehicles have been recovered from them till now and the accused are still under further investigation.
Writer- Maitri Mittal
Graphics for web - Nandini Kapil