'Carry On Jatta 3's' release has been dogged by controversy as Shiv Sena Hind and Punjab Shiv Sena (Taksali) officials filed an official complaint saying that the movie contains a scene that offends Hindu sentiments.
They notably cited a moment in which a character who is a Brahmin and is participating in Havan ceremonies is purportedly made fun of. The complainants want that Section 295, which addresses offences against religious sensibilities, be applied against the guilty.
Chairman of the Punjab Shiv Sena (Taksali), Sunil Kumar Bunty, accused the performers of violating Hindu feelings by throwing water at the "Havan Kund,". He criticised those responsible for trying to exploit the Hindu religion in order to seek attention. Bunty issued a warning that protests would be staged outside the residences of actor Gurpreet Ghuggi and director Smeep Kang if nothing was done within the next 24 hours.
As the accusations and the government's response to them develop, "Carry On Jatta 3"'s future is in jeopardy. The controversy surrounding the movie serves as a reminder of how crucial it is to respect religious emotions and be sensitive to cultural sentiments in creative works.
Report by Khushpreet
Graphics by Gurleen Kaur